About Me
Preparing to Care For an Elderly Relative

If you have an elderly relative who is struggling to cope with living independently, you may be wondering about the different options which are available to you. This blog is designed to help you to make the right choice which provides them with the best possible care. When my mother reached the age of 80, she was starting to have trouble carrying out daily tasks. I contacted a company which provided a nurse who assisted my mother during the day. This allowed my mother to continue living in her home for another year or so. Since her health has declined even further, my mother has now been moved into a nursing home. The staff have been absolutely great and I have learnt a lot about this subject which I would like to share with you here.


Can Your Dog Move to a Retirement Community With You?

6 August 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Moving into a retirement community is a decision that you, and perhaps your spouse, need to consider very carefully. Whether you have children won't exactly play a major role in your decision, as they would have left home years ago. But not all children leave their parents. If you share your home with a four-legged canine child, their future also needs to be taken into consideration. Can you bring your beloved dog with you to a retirement home? Read More …